This is a condition, which is largely genetic and can be a source of embarrassment for many men. As per Dr. Reid an estimated 50 percent of men over the age of 50 will experience some form of Gynecomastia. Which is an abundance of tissue in the breast area. Patients with this condition at least one of the following, in one or both breasts:

  1. Excess localized fat
  2. Excess glandular tissue development
  3. A combination of both excess fat and glandular tissue

As Dr. Reid will explain depending on each individual case your surgery could consist of liposuction alone or in combination with an incision used to remove the tissue and excess skin. Most recovery is within 1 to 2 weeks. Recently anthropic shaver cannulas have entated double leman tips that rotate at 4000 to 6000 rpm to mechanically separate fibrous glandular tissue for suctioning and are typically used in cases of mild to moderate Gynecomastia which do not require skin excision.

Gynecomastia Surgery:

Gynecomastia is mostly a temporary condition endured by young but can foster uncomfortable self-awareness if it does not resolve. Different surgical techniques including liposuction alone or with excision and purely excision treatments may enable improvement. It is sometimes necessary to perform these procedures in stages in order to minimize scarring.

Are You A Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?:

If your gynecomastia is not relieved after eliminating if possible some of the potential associated causes and monitoring for some time then you may be a candidate for this type of surgery.

What to Expect After Gynecomastia Surgery:

Swelling, bruising, and discomfort. The scarring could be minimal or more depending on the type of gynecomastia surgery performed.